Gerald Förster

Walking Breath Meditation – Going West

Come along on this short walking breath meditation and relax into this effortless breath flow that will guide you to clarity of mind and ultimately greater fulfillment.
Stay in the present moment throughout the duration of this walk. Keep your breath in the flow state, and breath in through your nose in four short intervals, and exhale in four short intervals through your open mouth.
Set a positive intention and think about something that makes you smile. Listen to your surroundings and off you go 🙂
These 14 minutes will prime yourself to respond (versus react) with more choice and freedom to the ever changing demands of the day.


12 min

Walking Breath Meditation

Gerald Förster

7 min

Present Moment Awareness Meditation

Mesa Stamm

35 min

Yin Yoga

Mesa Stamm

30 min

Vocal Toning

Emily Sause

16 min

Loving Kindness Meditation

Manoj Dias